Today was not as successful as I had hoped for. When it comes to cleanliness, I started of well eating healthy, then I ate a taquito and a kit kat. I was not satisfied with the way I had handled my cravings and I hope I will do better tomorrow. I worked on acceptance, and told myself today was a minor slip up. I will continue to work on healthy habits, and I will continue to tell myself it IS OKAY to have a slip up every now and then. It takes time to break old habits, and start new ones. Overall Cleanliness gets a C-, and acceptance gets an A-. This week as I have been trying to work on my stress, I treated myself to a nail appointment. I worked on Liberality. I decided to loosen up and have a relaxed night, by hanging out with friends and worrying about homework after dinner. I feel that if I set a goal for when I should get my homework done, I am avoiding my procrastination habit, but allowing myself to have fun right after school. I hope my day is better overall tomorrow. After all it is Friday! Goodnight, I hope you all have an exceptional day tomorrow!
I love your mindset, and being able to reward yourself and surround yourself with people that make you happy. Also, I’m glad that you got to treat yourself to an anti-stress activity, getting you nails done. I bet they look so pretty!! Even though you said you weren’t as successful today, to me, it’s seems like you did a great job:) Keep up the awesome work !!!!
– Kate Beaulieu
I’m glad that your acceptance shined today, since breaking out of these previous habits for new virtues will definitely be a struggle, but hopefully, it will be worth it in the end! It’s good that you’re treating yourself to some self-care too, I hope a fun afternoon and a nail appointment helped with your acceptance and motivation
I really like how you kind of tie your virtues together. I think being aware of your self control is super important and you seem to be really good at that. You also seem to be balancing school as well as your mental health and relaxation well which is something I admire. Keep it up girl