My goal for today was to focus on Productivity, as I had a lot of homework to do. I was able to have great success with Productivity, and I even worked on Cleanliness as well. In the morning, I made my bed and picked up my room for about five minutes. While the amount of time I took to work on Cleanliness was relatively small, it made a big impact on my day. After school and tennis, I put my phone away and got straight to work. I didn’t let myself touch my phone until certain assignments were done, and when I took a break, I took a short walk outside. Not only was I productive by accomplishing things and efficiently knocking out homework, I was able to spend my down time productively as well. I think today was probably my best day for Productivity so far, and I hope to have more successful days using similar strategies.
I love how you were able to incorporate a little bit of cleanliness into your day but it made such a big impact! I don’t think a lot of people realize how much the little things can contribute into your overall wellbeing. Also amazing that you put your phone away to focus on school work but also give yourself breaks throughout. Keep up the good work!