Today was a long day, and full of virtuous work. I tried to keep the hotel clean by organizing the bathroom a bit after things got tossed around and it became messy. I also had to make a decision on what to order for lunch — salad or a sandwich. Not an intensely deep decision to make, but challenging nonetheless. Successfully, I decided to eat a salad in under a minute. I didn’t do well with the love for family virtue because I didn’t talk to any family members today — I was so caught up in the activities of the trip. It also wasn’t my best day for the virtue of moderation. I spent an hour on Tik Tok when I got back to the hotel at night and didn’t get much work done either, so I definitely wasted some time. However, it was the first day of our journalism workshop today for designing, and I accomplished a lot at the workshop. Then, when I got back to my hotel room, I finished a design that was homework.