Today I went to work and school. It’s a Monday, typically I don’t work on Mondays, so I practiced my virtue of Acceptance by knowing that I wouldn’t necessarily get to spend my time as I wanted, but knowing that that’s okay and moving on. I practiced my virtue of Self-Discipline by taking the free time I had, at work and school, and using it to get homework done, instead of wasting it. Today I felt like it was more difficult to practice anything super explicitly because so much of my day was already planned and structured… there wasn’t much room to waste time… but also little to spend time in a way that may reflect into my virtue of Contentment.
It takes a lot of self-control to spend your free time on such a busy day doing homework. I’m impressed that you were able to manage your time so well! Just remember that, although it’s important to get lots of work done, it’s also important to take a day to relax every so often, though I suppose break is right around the corner, so there will be plenty of time for that. I’m glad you had a productive day
Good job with acceptance and staying on top of your work. I’m impressed that you were able to be so disciplined — it can be difficult for me to do work in my free time unless I really need to do it. Hope you get some relaxation time soon.