Day 8
After yesterday, I tried to focus more on certain virtues like silence and moderation. Since I had such a busy day yesterday, I thought those would be most beneficial. Honestly, I would say none of my other virtues for today have achieved above a 2/5, and I am okay with it. I think that by really focusing on moderation and silence today, I will have a more positive outcome.
- Silence:5: By getting homework out of the way early, I believe that I will be able to have some time later to myself. This week has already been so busy with school, soccer, and basketball, so I am really looking forward to a little time to relax.
- Moderation:3: Today has not been my best day for moderation, but it has definitely been an improvement from yesterday. I am hoping that by getting my homework out of the way, tryouts out of the way, and completing my ACT tutoring, I will hopefully have time later tonight to enjoy with my family.
I hope everyone has a great rest of their week!
It’s a really good idea to focus on specific virtues each day to really hone in on them — I might just steal that tactic from you. Sorry about your busy schedule and I hope that you’ll have some relaxation time this upcoming break. Good luck with tryouts!
I love the idea of including music to listen to while reading, that’s a really clever idea. I also think it’s okay to neglect some virtues in favor of pursuing and improving at other ones. Congrats on having a successful day with silence and good luck on moderation!
I totally agree that this week has been absolutely insane, and I’m also looking forward to relaxing! Good job for doing so well with silence and moderation, that’s amazing. I hope you were able to get all of your homework done so you can hangout with your fam
I love that you included music in your post! Also, I think it’s a great strategy to work on specific virtues every day as that’s what I have been doing too. I hope you were able to find some time to relax, and good luck with tryouts!
I love this song and it is an immediate serotonin boost, not kidding. I like that you worked on specific virtues today because I think sometimes thinking about all five makes it hard, and maybe even won’t provide as big of a benefit. You are stud with all your work and sports, keep it up
Cate this is beautiful. The way you set this up and the way you put the song in is awesome. You are right this week has been crazy.