Day 9

This was an uneventful day, but a good opportunity to work on my virtues. I slept in, due to it being late start, and got ready a little quicker than usual. This gave me less time to work on appreciation, but I still got a little but of time in. I then went to school, and had a very easy day. In Physics I got to work on my bliss virtue because we did a fun catapult activity. I also got to work on order in Physics. After a few post-school activities, I got to go home and work on silence. Part of that was sitting down in my room and writing this blog!

One thought on “Day 9”

  1. Although you couldn’t work on appreciation for as long today, it is important to get good sleep! It is amazing you were able to work on multiple virtues in a single class. I am also happy you were able to have some silent time today while doing homework!

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