I had a great Friday overall! I started my day at 5:30am and had a slow morning and then a relatively slow day. I barely have any homework for the weekend, which is always so nice. Regarding my virtues, I really only practiced tranquility, just by listening to the alarms I have set on my phone and starting my day extra early to have time to myself. I rate passion 0/5, academic acceptance 3/5, tranquility 5/5, moderation 2/5, and patience 2/5. I was really hoping to do something with my camera today, but I was super busy after school so I never got around to it which was frustrating. But, I decided to not let today discourage me from incorporating photography in my weekend, so I have decided to shoot the Powder Puff game tomorrow morning, which will be super fun! This is most definitely one way I will be practicing passion while also being able to see my friends. Along with practicing passion tomorrow, I am wanting to still improve on patience with myself and others :))
I’m glad you were able to make a future plan for yourself for your passion! Finding the time to actually participate in what your desire to do is always difficult, so being able to specifically work it into your schedule is a really great skill. I’m also glad your morning went well! I also wish you luck improving on patience, as it’s definitely something tough to master.
It’s good to hear that you really exceeded in your tranquility today, I feel like having a tranquil mindset can help you tackle those upcoming virtues! It is also so good that you made a plan with your passion, and I hope the Powder Puff game was fun to shoot (and not too cold either!!). I can’t wait to hear more about how you plan to navigate your virtues in the upcoming week.
That’s awesome that you had a great day! I also LOVE photography! We should talk more about it sometime. Having extra time to yourself in the morning is a great strategy and something I like to do a lot too. Keep it up!