Kate Beaulieu Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo Kate Beaulieu This user account status is Approved About About Posts Posts Comments Comments GOOD LUCK ON CHEM TMRW!!!! I totally agree about how late starts automatically put you in a better mood, I… On Day 10 That's great you had an A+ day!! Days where there's hardly anything to worry about are the absolute best. Also,… On Day 9 Yay! I'm glad you're feeling improved and happy with your virtues. Also, that's amazing that you are able to reflect… On Day 10 on November 18 I totally agree that this week has been absolutely insane, and I'm also looking forward to relaxing! Good job for… On November 16, 2021 Sounds like you had a good day! I'm really glad you get to practice your new monologues... I def want… On Day 8 That's so awesome you were able to turn your day around and ignore any negativity. I'm sorry you were having… On Day 7 Even though your work seemed quite busy, I'm glad that you got to practice acceptance, and accept the fact that… On Day 5: 11/13/21 It seems to me that you got everything done that you needed to. I know the feeling of getting all… On Rafaela Grieco-Freeman: Day 6 That's so awesome you had so much fun in Chicago, such a cool weekend getaway. Also, congrats on getting 2nd… On Day Six Sounds like you had a great and productive day! It's so nice to start the day off being busy with… On Day #5: November 13, 2021 load more comments