Day 7

Today I focused on tranquillity and physical health. I missed school due to illness (previously mentioned in entry 6) which was excellent for both of these things. Actually, missing school did have a negative effect on my tranquillity because now I’m worried about all of the assignments I’ll have to catch up on. But I’m trying to stay positive and focus on that tomorrow. I think that sleeping had a positive effect on my tranquillity (it’s hard to be stressed out when you’re unconscious) as well as watching movies. I watched Moneyball, which was surprisingly captivating. It did an excellent job of making a very niche situation accessible and interesting. I also rewatched the first Iron Man (still my favorite Marvel movie). Tonight I went out to eat with my friends, which positively contributed to my tranquillity.  Overall I’d give myself a 4/5 in tranquillity.

My physical health was pretty bad to begin with, considering that I was sick today. I think missing school and getting some sleep contributed to me getting better, although I did eat pretty poorly at dinner tonight. I would give myself a 2/5 in physical health. 

Luke Kounkel – Nov 15

Today was one of the medium days. I have had a cold for the last week or so, and today was the worst day so far. The cold definitely screwed with my tranquility virtue, and after getting home I did 0 work in favor of resting. Luckily I had completed a large portion of my homework for the day at school, otherwise I might have been swamped and my productivity virtues would have been full fails. As it stands, they were only partially completed. My disconnection virtue was a failure too because my method of resting from my cold was getting some hot drinks and laying down on my phone for a few hours. I’ll be getting a lot more sleep tonight than the day before, so hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Day 6

Day 6 was very bad, evidenced in the fact that I am writing this blog entry a day later. I focused on cleanliness and physical health and didn’t do great in either area. I slept late and sort of moped around the house until work. I felt pretty gross but went to work anyway (a bad idea). I had what I think was a migraine or something caused by dehydration and had to leave early. Then I was sick and missed school the next day (today). So not a great physical health day, although I don’t think it was entirely my fault (except the dehydration part which probably was). I’d give myself a 0.5/5 overall. 

As for cleanliness, I didn’t do anything to mess up my room, which certainly counts for something. I also didn’t do anything to improve it. There isn’t much else I can say in that department and I’d probably give myself a 1/5 for cleanliness. This is kind of a depressing entry so, for the sake of positivity, I also read over one of my poems and decided that it was good enough to submit to the freelancer. So a 2/5 in creative productivity.

Day 5 – Nov 13th

Productivity was a struggle today, as I didn’t get much work done even though I had a lot of free time to do it. I went to tennis practice and worked out, but other than that I didn’t do a whole lot. I did well with Tranquility as after working out I took a nice shower and a nap. After that I enjoyed some time with my parents catching up because I was very busy last week and didn’t have much time to talk with them. I also improved on my virtue Acceptance. I found myself wishing I had done more work, but I quickly reminded myself that it is okay to take a break and not constantly be productive. Finally, before bed I worked on my virtue Cleanliness by making a to-do list for the next day and organizing my school work and schedule for the upcoming week. 

Day 4 – Nov 12th

After two super busy days, I decided Cleanliness would be an appropriate virtue to work on for the day. My room had gotten slightly messy and I had a couple bags full of clothes and toiletries from having to jump from activity to activity days prior. I took the time to unpack those and tidy up my room when I got home from school. Then, I went to tennis practice where I tested myself with the virtue of Acceptance. I wasn’t having the best day on the court and found myself missing more shots than I usually do. Instead of getting frustrated, I tried to simply have fun and enjoy the sport. I accepted that I will not be perfect and I will make mistakes, and most importantly that tennis is just a game. Before bed I did a ten minute stretch while listening to music, which really helped with Tranquility and set the tone for a great night of sleep. 

Day 3 – Nov 11th

I spent today working on my virtues Kindness and Productivity. At tennis I made it a goal to give out five compliments. When I saw someone hit a good shot or play a nice point I let them know, and I also complimented several people’s outfits. It was awesome to see people react when I complimented them and I think I will definitely start doing it more often. I think I did a great job spreading positivity to others around me today. I also worked on Productivity when I used thirty minutes of down time between clinic and my lesson to finish my physics lab. I’m proud of myself for getting some work done instead of throwing away thirty minutes by scrolling through my phone and getting no real benefit.

Day 2 – Nov 10th

Today was a great day for me to work on my virtue Acceptance. I had a math test and didn’t do as well as I would have liked to. Usually I would be super hard on myself and let it ruin my day. However, I accepted the fact that I couldn’t change it and it’s okay not to be perfect. I will simply work harder to prepare for the next test and hopefully do better. I also worked on Cleanliness today, as I organized my room and made my bed in the morning. Starting the day off with a clean room boosted my mood and helped me be more productive when I came home to a clean workspace. I had a really busy day as I went to school early to get math help, went straight from school to tennis, and went straight from tennis to an award banquet. I didn’t get home until around 10, and had to get to homework straightaway, so I didn’t have much time to work on my other virtues. 

Day 1 – Nov 9th

My focus for today was Tranquility, and I did an excellent job with it. I have a math test tomorrow and have been studying and stressing about it a lot. In the middle of studying I decided to take a break and listen to a ten minute guided meditation on youtube. This really calmed my mind and body. While the aim of meditation was to work on Tranquility, I also worked on Productivity because I spent my down time in a productive way. I could have spent the time scrolling on my phone, but instead I took time to relax myself and find peace. I also took a day off of tennis today, which was a kindness to myself as I was tired and sore. I didn’t work on Acceptance or Cleanliness, but it was still a productive day because I worked on three of my five virtues.

Connor Burrows – Nov 15

Order 4/5 – I didn’t do any major organization or cleaning today, but I did try to organize my notes a bit. On top of that, I have a pretty clear idea of how much work I need to do this week and a plan of when to do it, so that’s a nice change of pace.

Resolution 1/5 – I didn’t do any painting tonight, unfortunately. It just slipped past my mind for the most part, and by the time I remembered, I just decided to skip a day. I’m still definitely on track to finish by Friday, as long as I don’t miss another day like this.

Confidence 2/5 – I was hoping to work more on this virtue today, but I was pretty busy at school. Mondays really are hectic! I did continue my general efforts to be more outgoing in class, however, so I’m going to give myself a point for that.

Health 2/5 – I was definitely lacking a bit with this virtue as well today. I did try to eat healthily, but I got basically no exercise, unless you count walking up three flights of stairs with a backpack on. I plan on going for a walk tomorrow, as the weather is going to be beautiful.

Responsibility 4/5 – I got a good amount of work done today, and I plan on doing a lot tomorrow as well. I need to have a lot done by Wednesday, so I’m going to need to have a productive day tomorrow.

Day 7 Nov 15

moderation- D

frugality- D

accountability- B

self-discipline- B

cleanliness- A

Today was one of my more stressful days of the challenge because I have a physics exam tomorrow. Because of this I struggled with spending time with my family. Today I would also consider a failure because I went out for lunch today and one of my goals was to not spend money on food when I don’t have to. I didn’t make it to the gym today but I did play football after school. I did well on studying for my physics exam so that is a positive. I also helped my mom in the kitchen which was also a positive. 

November 15, 2021

Day 7

(Feel free to have a listen while reading)

Tranquility: 4: I felt like tranquility today has gone better than it usually does. I was able to come up with a good list of things that I was willing to make peace with, and just writing my thoughts down made me feel calm.

Silence: 1: I was so busy today that I never got a chance to take a few minutes of silence to myself. I am hoping to find time this week, especially since it is busier than usual, to relax.

Moderation: 1: I was disappointed with my moderation for today since I felt like I have been making significant progress with this virtue. However, I am not really sure if I could have moderated my time any better today. I went from school to basketball tryouts, to soccer, and now, finally home to do homework. I think I might try to get some more homework out of the way, that way I have less to do later in the week. Hopefully, this will give me more time to do something that I enjoy!

Patience: 2: With such a hectic day, I honestly felt like I never had time to be patient. However, I felt like I was, hopefully, patient with others.

Contentment: 4: I feel like I have been making good progress with contentment. I journaled again today, and once more, I am finding that I am content with more things in my life than I have ever thought before.

Day 7- November 15

I didn’t have the best day. I totally thought I could push through this tough week and just look forward to the nice, long break we are about to have, but today felt like a million years. I was trying to practice tranquility today, but didn’t do well because I was stressed all day about a few upcoming tests I have. I give myself a 2/5 for tranquility. I didn’t practice moderation at all today, so that’s going to be a solid 0/5. Academic acceptance started off very rough for me, because I was struggling with some of my classes, especially the ones I will be having tests in, but my attitude turned around when I found out I received a 29.5/30 on my chem graph! Academic acceptance gets 4/5 for the day. I sadly didn’t practice any passion today or patience, so those both get a 0/5. I’m really hoping that tomorrow will be a better day, along with the rest of the week. I hope everyone has a good Monday night 🙂

Day 7

Today could have been worse. I started my day off quite negative. I was tired, I was upset that I need help with chemistry, and I was just not having it. I went in and got help, and started my day off slow. Working on tranquility and acceptance as my top priorities today because of how poorly I did the night before. My day was slow but I begin to have a good day after getting a good meal in during lunch. I found my inner peace today ignoring the fact I had little to no sleep, and I turned my day around. At the end of the day I have weights class, today working on my cleanliness as well, I stayed after school to finish my workout. Pushing myself through a workout because I knew it would satisfy me after. Overall after starting out pretty rough, I pushed through and made it a decently swell day. Overall I would give myself a B+. I hope everyone had a great day and if you need something to motivate you through this week, remember, next week is thanksgiving break! Goodnight:)

Day Seven

My day was really good as I felt like all of my virtues went pretty well. Tranquility was successful today, especially after my fitness class where we did yoga. It was honestly a really relaxing way to start the day. It gave me a lot of peace to face the stresses of the beginning of the week.

I did fairly well on patience today. The reason I say that is because I really didn’t have anything in my day that made me anxious or feel overwhelmed to the point where I had to breathe and just be patient. So, it was a really positive day but I wasn’t really able to work on that virtue which I think is an accomplishment in itself. 

Moderation was great as I was able to spend time with my friends a lot today, which is something that I haven’t been able to do much of lately. I have been focusing on homework and getting ahead for the week as well as resting from tennis and recovering. I am so sore after playing all weekend!

Order was alright because I have been putting things away in my room and from my suitcase but it’s still pretty messy. I feel like I need to really commit once to cleaning it all up and starting fresh but it has been really hard for me to just set aside time to do that. 

Joy was great today because I got to be with my friends. They bring me a lot of happiness and just being around them makes me feel lucky and grateful to have them in my life. I really want to prioritize time with them because I am always so much better-off when I get to see them. 

I hope all of you have had a good start to your week!

Day #7: November 15, 2021

I had a successful day with all of my virtues. I went to bed early last night which helped me get up this morning and organize myself and make sure I didn’t leave a mess of a room behind for when I get home. For both order and cleanliness, that helped start my day out right. With patience, I felt really tired this morning but as the day went on I felt more energized and kept patient with myself, especially as it is a Monday. Balance was okay, I didn’t have a lot of homework so I got to talk to my parents and catch up with my friends who went out of town this weekend, but I was also exhausted and kind of drained making it a little bit of a challenge. Lastly, with kindness I went to a workout class, being kind to myself, and also checking in on a few friends I hadn’t talked to in awhile. Overall, today was a a good start to my week.

Day 5: 11/13/21

Today I worked, and with that, it was sort of hard to practice some of my virtues. However, we were busier than I had anticipated, when heading into the day. With people waiting around outside before we had even opened, I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to get some of the things that I intended to do, done. I was able to practice my virtue, Acceptance. I knew that my day wasn’t going to go as I had planned, but I didn’t let that derail how I felt-I accepted that that was how it was going to be and moved on. In the evening I practiced Purposefulness, I had free time and spent it with my family.

Day 2

Today I tried working more on patience and acceptance. I nanny twin six year old girls, and sometimes that can be a lot to handle. Today they started to get very tired and fussy and instead of getting frustrated with them, I just let the little things go and remembered to not get annoyed. I also did not do as good on a test as I hoped and realized it is okay to get a B sometimes. I tried very hard and studied a lot but I had to accept that I can not always get an A on everything. I found it very hard to be able to accept things. 




Patience- A

Acceptance- B

Day 1

Today I worked mostly on order and cleanliness. Right when I got home from school, I immediately cleaned my room. I organized my closet and cleaned it out a lot. I always feel so much relief after getting my stuff organized and it makes me happy. I also beat procrastination today, which is being productive. After I cleaned my room, I got all of my homework done around 6:30 and then had the rest of the night to do whatever I wanted to. I already feel so much better and there is no stress because I gave myself enough time to get everything done. 




Patience- B

Acceptance- C

Connor Lawson – Day 6 Update

For this day, I was great with my self control virtue as eating well, and not junk food, was needed to get through the game I had this day. I was still not very tranquil or honest as usual, but I toned it down slightly from yesterday, as we were playing an easier team. Off the field I did great with tranquility and honesty, just to note. For sincerity, there wasn’t anything to be sincere about this day, as I didn’t promise anything to anyone. I did finish my homework, but there was no need to be studious and study as I didn’t have a test the next day.

Connor Lawson – Day 5 Update

For this day, I finally was able to wake up on time, achieving the sincerity towards my promises to wake up early. Though, this was because I had a soccer game this morning and was required to get up early and not sleep in. It was much harder to keep up with my tranquility virtue today. I was constantly getting annoyed with my teammates for the duration of the game, which is usual. I did lie a few times to the referee, which wasn’t in line with my honesty virtue. I had great self-control when it came to eating that day, because I needed to eat well in order to recover to play the next game. I completely ignored any studying or homework all together. It was hard to focus on my virtues this day, as I had two games, so I wasn’t as focused on them, so it wasn’t the best day in terms of keeping true to my virtues.

Day two

So today was going well, then i learned some not so great news about my health i’m going to need to make some long term changes to my diet and overall existence. I’ve thought about just stopping going to the doctors, nothing good happens there. But i feel like i reacted alright to it and

Cleanliness: I kept myself and the space around me pretty clean. I did have a ton of time to do any crazy level of cleaning but I succeeded in picking up after myself and keeping myself clean. i’ll give myself a B

resolution: I think that the changes that i’ll be making to my existence fall well under here so i may start holding myself accountable under this concept. I got everywhere I needed to be on time and found solutions to problems that came up as they came up. Im pretty ok with how i did this today, i give myself a B

tranquility: Even though I learned what I didn’t let it affect how I felt about my day. I was able to go home and do what I needed to do and simply continue on with my day. I give myself a A

order: i kept to what i needed to do and filled out my planner. I was able to approach the day with my goals and feeling ok. I give myself an A

Human: I did really well today just existing without too much fear of what people thought of me. I just want to get my body and mind back on track but in the whole grandious scheme of things i wasn’t that anxious. I was talkative and joyful. I give myself an A

Connor Lawson – Day 4 Update

For this day, I was able to get back on track with my self control virtue. I did not eat any junk food today at all, in preparation for my games on the weekend and to make up for yesterday. I wasn’t very sincere with myself as I made a promise to myself to get up right away, but instead I slept in for 15 minutes. Once again I did well with tranquility. I did well with my honesty virtue. I didn’t have anything to study for this day, but I did some of my homework for the weekend instead of waiting until Sunday.

Connor Lawson – Day 3 Update

For this day, I had a small slip up with my self-control virtue as I ate an ice cream bar, but I hope to do better tomorrow. I did well with my honesty virtue again as so far there has been no temptation to lie. I was able to keep calm for today, which was not hard as nothing really annoyed me this day. I had to study for a physics quiz this day, I could have studied for longer, but it was only a quiz and I felt confident on the material that would be on the quiz. So, overall, it was a good day.

Nov 12 Blog 4

Today was Friday November 12 and today I worked on faith. I realized this morning that I would not be able to make our family prayer on Sunday. To make up for that I decide to pray this morning. I also will pray before bed. I was actually really proud of my decision, because today was the first day I actually though ahead, and based the virtue I wanted to work on based on my reflection. This weekend I am playing in a tournament so I want to focus on sincerity.

Day 4

This day was sort of a celebratory day for me. I had my final show at 2:00 PM, and that went super well. I used that time to practice bliss, because that show is very fun to do. After that, I was able to spend the rest of the day relaxing. I went to grab food with some friends and then hung out with them for the rest of the night. This gave me a chance to practice appreciation. I haven’t gotten a lot of free time recently, so it felt really great to have some. Although the day wasn’t very organized or necessarily clean, I would call this day a success.

Day 6

Yesterday was very chaotic. Everything was a disaster! Throughout the weekend I thought I was doing decently well with managing homework, and I was getting my blogs done. Sunday came around and I had a bunch of chemistry homework that I did not understand. Working on acceptance, I continuously looked at my chemistry grade displeased with the B I had. Stressing about my B, I could not figure out the homework, and I continued to worry about my grade. I would give acceptance a D-. I was able to stay tranquil with my baby all weekend until yesterday, I wanted my sleep and kept getting woken up and I would get upset. I struggled with staying tranquil, and I hope it will be better today once I get a full nights rest. Overall yesterday with tranquility would receive a C-. Cleanliness was not too bad. I have realized it is hard to incorporate healthy eating when I am with friends, I struggle to contain my cravings. Although I could have eaten worse. For the reasoning I would give myself a B-. Yesterday could have been better, but I am hoping today will go better for me. I hope everyones weekend went well for them!

Day 6 Nov 14

moderation- A

frugality- A

accountability- B

self-discipline- A

cleanliness- A

Today was the best day of following and improving on my virtues. I started off my day by waking up and doing my school work. This was a surprise to me because I normally don’t have the motivation to do my homework until later. Then I went to my sister’s house and raked and bagged leaves for four and a half hours. After that I came home and played XBox with my little brother. I spent more time with my family today than the rest of the days for this challenge. After I played Xbox with my brother I had a family dinner then I ended the night going over to a friends house to watch the chiefs game. Today my work ethic was better than any day during the challenge.

Day 6 – 11/14/21

Today I woke up late in the morning. This really helped with my mild illness, as now I was feeling much better. The only problem with waking up this late was that I felt very lethargic, and my industry ended up not being very good today as I was not working on anything very quickly. I did however, resolve to do my homework pretty early making my resolution pretty good today. I did an average job at order, but even though I gave proper time to homework, my lack of industry meant that this was the only thing I really did today. My moderation also wasn’t very good because all I did was work on homework and watch the Chiefs game, but at least it gave me a pretty relaxing day. My final virtue of Justice was hard to work on, because I really didn’t talk to anyone that I could have given due justice to. Overall, the day was mixed, but certainly not my best day for my virtues.

Day 3

This day I focused on Order. It was a day full of tests and labs at school and in order to succeed, I needed to practice being organized and prepared. It started out rough, due to the fact that I forgot my calculator at home. Besides that, I would say the day was pretty successful in terms of organization. I used my planner to write down my homework, I took good notes In math and APUSH, and I remembered to go to my guitar lesson before my show. As for that night, I had my opening night of my show. I had to practice bliss, because this show was a huge source of stress for me. The notes I had to sing were high, and there was a lot of pressure to be funny. In order to help myself, I decided to just try and enjoy the experience as much as I could in order to have a better night. It worked, and my experience in the show was a very good one.

Day 5 Nov 13

moderation- B

frugality- A

accountability- B

self-discipline- C

cleanliness- D

Today was the first day of the challenge during the weekend. I had a college football party at my neighbors house today so I didn’t have to spend money on food. Also because of this football party I was able to spend time with my family at the same time as hanging out with my friends. This was my strongest day for my moderation virtue because I spent equal amounts of time with my friends and my family. I didn’t make it to the gym today because I spent all day at my neighbors house. Even though I didn’t make it to the gym I in a way made it up because I played a lot of backyard football today. I feel it was harder to focus on my virtues over the weekend. I don’t go on my computer over the weekend until Sunday most weekends so there were times I forgot to focus on my virtues. 

Day: 6

Today I focused on Tranquility because I didn’t have anything planned. To do this I relaxed all day and played some video games with my friends. This was really good in helping my tranquility because I wasn’t focused on anything and could relax. I would give this strategy a 8/10 because I was very unproductive for the day, but it was also important to have a day like this. My Order is at a 10/10 because I have all of my homework done for the weekend. My Sincerity is a 10/10 because I spent an hour or so hanging out with my brother. My Humility is a 8/10 because I was being arrogant after beating my brother in video games. Frugality is still at a 10/10 because I have been able to save my money.

Nicholas Karr – Day 6

Industry: 5/5
Order: 1/5
Flexibility: 4/5
Resolution: 5/5
Tranquility: 1/5

Today I did pretty well in a couple of the virtues. I certainly spent a lot of time working dedicatedly on industry, though it was not in a particularly ordered fashion. I’m up a bit late on that regard. This week should allow me to become more ordered because I’ll be more focused on school. I also continue to forget that cleanliness is not actually one of my virtues. If it was, going for a run today would count for it and flexibility. Running is difficult, but it’s good family time. My day was for the most part wasted today, but I had to go through it to find that out.

Day Six

Hello everyone!

I am on the plane back from Chicago and I think today was a good day to practice my virtues. Tranquility was alright for me today. I played in the semifinals of my tennis tournament and won but I was pretty nervous the whole time so I still need to continue to work on my breathing during matches. I lost in the finals so I got 2nd in the tournament and my tranquility wasn’t as good. 

Patience was almost the same as tranquility as when I get nervous or overwhelmed during a match, I get impatient and try to go for too small of targets and too big of shots.  I did pretty good at this during my first match but not very well in the finals.

Moderation was actually good today even though I played two matches. I got to walk around Chicago in the city and even got to go shopping and get ice cream. I am looking forward to taking the day off tomorrow and spending some time with my friends. 

Order was good as well as I did a good job getting packed and ready to go in a short period of time. I am hoping that I will be able to clean my room more now that I’ll be back in town. 

I also found a lot of joy in my day. Even though I lost my last match, I am still incredibly happy with my result of 2nd. Being able to see the city was also a major point of joy as well. Overall, it was a pretty good day!

The Streets of Chicago!

Day 6- November 14

Today was a spectacular day!! I woke up relatively early and edited some photos from the powderpuff game, which was how I worked on passion for the day. Then, I had a meeting with my friends regarding our Junior Board project, and we were very productive which is good. I didn’t practice much of patience today, so I am going to have to rate that a 0/5 and the same goes for academic acceptance, just because I didn’t have to worry too much about grades and school work over the weekend. However, I did a really good job with tranquility and moderation. I was hardly on my phone today, so I give myself a 5/5 for moderation, and a 5/5 for tranquility because I was completely happy and worry-free the entire day. I ended my night going to the Uptown Theatre with my friends to go watch ABBA Mania perform, and it was absolutely amazing. Although it’s a Sunday night, I like to look at the concert as a way to positively kickstart my week. That concert was a 5/5 and the vibe was so, so immaculate. I hope everyone had an awesome weekend!

Rafaela Grieco-Freeman: Day 6

Sunday, November 14th, 2021

Overall, I had a pretty relaxing Sunday, which is a good way to end the weekend for next week’s workload. It is crazy to think that these blogs have been going on for nearly a week! Overall, I believe that my virtues were mediocre today, nothing too crazy but not awful either. As for industry and temperance/moderation, I would rate them both around a 4.5/10, since I got all my homework that I needed to get done, done. However, I did not really get ahead on other tasks that would be necessary. My productive downtime was about a 5.5/10 since I did attempt an actual crossword with my spare time, but other than that I did spend quite a bit of time mindlessly on my phone. I would rate my tranquility a 6/10 for today since I was a little high-strung for some reason but was able to drive around and listen to some music to put myself in a good mood. Lastly, for my cleanliness, I would rate it a 5/10 since I did some light cleaning around my room, but nothing exceptional. I hope to see my virtues excel over the next school week, especially since I need to be on top of my school work for my classes. I feel like the extra time with the weekend at times was wasted, but at least allowed myself to recharge to have more energy for school.

Good night!

Luke Kounkel – Nov 14

Today was another medium day for all of my virtues. After waking up and eating breakfast I went rock climbing for an hour and a half. Exercise is a good way to release endorphins, and climbing adds difficult or fun routes to make it more interesting than just running. Because of that plus a lot of alone time today I think my tranquility virtue was fulfilled. Disconnection was a failure today though because outside of climbing I spent almost the entire day on my Mac or on my phone. Finally, my productivity virtues were middle of the road. While I did finish off all of my remaining homework for the weekend, I woke up around noon and didn’t start doing anything until around 4. Still leaving room for improvement, but getting better.

Connor Burrows – Nov 14

Order 2/5 – I didn’t do a ton to keep things orderly today, but I did try to avoid making more messes. Overall, not the best day for Order, but not too terrible either. I’m going to try to do better with this virtue over the next week.

Resolution 5/5 – I got the bulk of my painting done today, which was also the most boring part. I had to paint about 80% of the figure with two coats of the same paint, but I got it done. Honestly, despite being somewhat boring, this kind of thing is also super relaxing, so I was able to de-stress a bit.

Confidence 1/5 – Again, I don’t really see a way to work on this virtue over the weekend, so I think I’ll just have to wait until tomorrow.

Health 4/5 – I didn’t do any exercises today, but I did mow my backyard (hopefully for one of the last times this year). My house is on a hill, and my dogs have made my backyard a minefield of holes, so mowing is definitely not an easy task. It was a nice fall day, though, so at least I could enjoy the weather.

Responsibility 3/5 – I got some homework done, but only what I needed to do. I could have done more to make my workload this week a little lighter, but I decided to just relax for the rest of the night.

Day 4 Nov 12

moderation- D

frugality- D

accountability- B

self-discipline- C

cleanliness- B

I had an all around average day as far as the challenge goes. I spent almost no time with my family because I had plans with my friends. I spent twenty dollars on dinner which is the most that I’ve spent through this whole challenge. I did make it to the gym today and my room is clean so I still did well on a few of my virtues. I also helped my mom clean the kitchen after school. I need to bounce back and have a better day tomorrow to get back on track.

November 14, 2021

Day 6

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”

Benjamin Franklin

My formatting for today will be a little different, as I really tried to focus on one virtue I felt I have been lacking in, which is patience.

With this being said, I would rate my contentment for today a 2/5, my silence a 5/5, my moderation a 4/5, and my tranquility a 2/5. My contentment and tranquility are a little lower as I did not journal, but I tried to think of them throughout the day. However, I did feel as though I mostly achieved my goals for moderation and silence.

As for patience, I would rate today a 4/5. I visited my dad’s work today to continue a project, and although not everything went as I had planned, I felt as though I was more patient with others than I usually am when I get irritated. With my virtues in mind, I really tried to be mindful of the things I said, and how they would make others feel. Instead of rushing into a solution, I talked with others first to come up with the best course of action. I ended up getting a good result, and it is starting to make me realize just how valuable patience can be.

I hope everyone has a good night!

Day 5 – 11/13/21

I woke up not feeling too great, but it was not bad enough that I felt I could miss my debate. As the day progressed I felt worse, but for lunch I had chicken noodle soup which helped me get through the rest of my debates. This was really the only thing I could resolve to do that day, because I felt like doing nothing else, but my resolution overall was fine because I did resolve complete my debates and try and make my illness go away. My order was not great, because I did not find time beyond my debates for what was important. My moderation was not very good either, because the only things I did today were debate at the tournament and sleep afterwards. My industry was ok mainly because there were no tasks that I did that I could have been industrious at. Finally, I did not have much time to use my justice, because I did not see anyone since I was not feeling very good.

Day 4 – 11/12/21

Today was a pretty good day for me and my virtues. I started out with strong resolution in making sure that I was able to get my work done in class so I didn’t have to take much of it home. I also was successful with my order because I had a debate the next day, which I wanted to get good sleep for, and I was able to get that sleep while hanging out with friends and completing my homework that was due at midnight on that day. I felt that my industry was also very good because I was very focused when I did the assignment that was due at midnight and I did not waste much time on it. I also felt that my moderation went well as I was able to balance all of my daily tasks in an efficient and productive manner. On justice, I also felt that I did a good job with it because I was good at not letting my preconceived notions of anyone affect how I treat them.

Day 3 – 11/11/21

Today I had a pretty busy day, but I was still able to keep order in my life through making sure despite my out of school obligations that I was able to get my homework done. I stayed resolute in keeping my goal of getting my homework done even with such a busy day. While meeting these goals was good to see, I feel that where I improved the most on was my industry, because usually when I have busy days like this I get home and start my homework, but then get distracted so much that I end up finishing my homework very late. Today was different in that I was able to get good sleep despite my busy schedule, as I was very industrious in how I got my homework done. This improvement was very good to see, because I often feel like this is why I tend to not have much free time is because of how inefficiently I do my work. I also felt that I did well in moderation, because I was able to still have some free time with friends before doing all of the obligations that I had. This was good, because it can be very hard to keep a moderated schedule when your schedule is full. On justice I felt that I did not do so great, because when I was playing dodgeball with my friends I thought that some of the people on the team would do better than others, but most of my assumptions were wrong.

Day #6: November 14, 2021

Today was a pretty relaxing day. I got to sleep in which was very nice and my dad even made me breakfast. I went to a workout class which felt good and made me feel accomplished, as well as patient with myself in the class. I made a todo list for my homework which kept me in order and organized. I worked on balance by hanging out with my sister during the day and we got to just talk for a couple of hours and catch up. With kindness, I worked mainly on being kind to myself today and making sure I don’t stress myself out this week with Thanksgiving Break coming up.

Day #5: November 13, 2021

I give day five an overall ten out of ten. First off, I woke up and made my bed before making myself a good breakfast, checking off some order and cleanliness for the day. Then, I went to a workout class and cleansed my mind and it was nice to get exercise in the morning, as well as portrayed my kindness virtue by doing something as simple as holding the door and asking people how they were. I came home and catched up with my mom while I worked on some homework which was nice because I’ve been super busy this past week. I even had time to take a nap which was nice and I think this helped me be very patient with myself today and just relax and recover. I got to go to dinner with friends and dress up which was very fun and calming. Today was definitely a good day for my virtues and myself.

Day 5:

Today was a very successful day for all of my virtues. My Sincerity was a 10/10 because I got to go out to dinner with my family. My Frugality is still at a 10/10 because I have been saving my money instead of buying stuff. My Tranquility is 9/10 since it is the weekend and I don’t have very much homework. My Order has been great recently because I have been keeping track of homework. Lastly, My Humility is still a 10/10.

Rafaela Grieco-Freeman: Day 5

Saturday, November 13th, 2021

I had a pretty relaxed yet somewhat productive Saturday. I got to sleep in which was always nice, and I got to go out to lunch with a friend which resulted in quite a tranquil afternoon. As for my virtues, I would highlight my tranquility for the day, as I spend a lot of time just doing things I enjoyed and calming myself down the for next work week (giving myself a 7/10 for today). I was also relatively good at my industry and moderation/temperance virtues (giving them both a 6/10), as I created those hot cocoa bombs (which I needed to film myself doing for a video class) and got some of my other homework done, though nearly not as much as I could have. As for cleanliness, I did not really get to cleaning my room and workspace, but I did make the point to clean up all of my items needed for my making of the hot cocoa bombs (so I would rate myself a 5/10). Lastly, for productive downtime, I did not really do much for this aspect as I was either doing work or mindlessly relaxing, so I would give myself a 3/10 for today. Hopefully, I can turn that around tomorrow as I gear up for the week ahead of myself.

Anyways, good night! (P.S. I will be sure to post an image of the hot cocoa bombs once I use them, I just was not really in the mood for it tonight)

Luke Kounkel – Nov 13

This is the first weekend day so far in the Ben Franklin project so far, and it went swimmingly. I got a good night’s sleep, waking up ready to tackle my virtues. After a late breakfast and some distractions, I only managed to do a little homework before it was time to head out for pole vault. After practice, I came back home and relaxed for a little while. Probably not what I should have been doing at the time, but I had no pressing homework and I was tired after a long running workout. Once the late night second wind kicked in I started on my homework and after a few hours I got a good portion of it done. To give the virtues a rating, it was C’s across the board. Not awful, but not great either. 

Nicholas Karr – Day 5

Industry: 5
Order: 1
Flexibility: 4
Resolution: 4
Tranquility: 1

I’m still a bit unwell today. I did not have motivation to do very much difficult work. However, I did work diligently on a hobby of mine for the entire day that entailed setting up old software. It was a very different and interesting sort of work. As I completed it, that gives me a good amount of resolution. I am still rating myself poorly on order because I was unable to do any school work. That will be important tomorrow when the deadlines are closer. I was not very tranquil at all because I spent 13 hours excitedly focusing on one topic continuously. Finally, my rating in flexibility comes from having to drive my parents around without complaining. It is usually difficult for me to do so because we always drive places to retrieve free puzzles and shirts. Overall, I am optimistic for the coming day and glad to have done well in this one.

November 13, 2021

“He that would live in peace & at ease, Must not speak all he knows or judge all he sees.”

Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1736

(I think of that quote for patience. Hopefully, it can help you too).

Day 5

Tranquility: 3: I feel like my tranquility improved from yesterday. I continued my journal and I was able to find more things that I am willing to make peace with.

Silence: 5: Today, I took time to just hang out and relax for a moment. I sat in my room quietly for around 15 minutes. I was really stressed about my schedule for tomorrow, and being able to sit and relax helped me to calm down a bit. I have found this virtue to be really helpful towards my mental health and overall productivity.

Moderation: 5: Today was a great day! I woke up, met friends for breakfast, attended the powderpuff game to cheer on other friends, cleaned my room, talked with my sister, did homework, and went and saw a movie with my parents. (I would say The Eternals was okay, but the surprise at the end is the best ;)). I felt like I was really productive, but I also enjoyed what I did.

Patience: 3: I feel like I am slowly becoming more patient with others. I noticed it a little throughout the day today when I was talking to a friend of my parents, and when I was really focusing on what others had to say at another event today.

Contentment: 4: I am very proud of the progress I am making with contentment. Progressively, each day I am adding more and more things to my journal. Feel free to read!

Have a good rest of your weekend!

Luke Kounkel – Nov 12

Today was an extreme between my virtues. My friends and I all got together immediately after school to hang out, and we all stayed together till around 12:45 that night. This of course meant that I got a grand total of 0 work done, so I completely failed my productivity virtues. This failure is tempered however with the mental health virtue successes. The occasional break is always nice for relaxation, and getting to spend time with good friends is one of the best ways to take a break. Spending all this time with friends also meant that I had a lot less time to spend looking at my phone, so my disconnection virtue was fufulled. I also didn’t have any homework due tonight, so giving my weekend up to productivity didn’t seem like that bad of an idea. Maybe I’ll try to be better about this in the future, but seeing as it probably won’t affect me in any way, maybe not.